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2020 Bacon Hill Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2020
Virtual meeting over Zoom, administered by Kathy Adams

In attendance by Internet: Chris and Kathy Adams, Pat Gannon, Jim Colling, Brian and Gail DePalma, Ryan and Liz Kiggins, Chris Fesko, Roger and Karen Deming Stackpoole, Tyler Wainwright, Rob Hole, Tom McDonald, Colleen Gannon, Julie Spillett, Brian Russell, Dominic and Mary Ann Auricchio, Jim and Melanie Drake, Carolyn and Michael Fischi, Jim Richardson, Chris Sedlack, Tony Bardoutsos, Bob Bradt, Anthony and Melissa Alphonso, Mike and Terry Foor-Pessin.

President Mike Foor-Pessin calls the meeting to order at 7:06 PM.  It is determined that a quorum is present, with 24 lots out of a total of 52 represented.  17 are needed to have a quorum.

The secretary reads the 2019 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting minutes.  Pat Gannon moves to accept the minutes as read, and Tyler seconds.  Motion passes unanimously.

MFP presents the President’s report.

                He thanks everyone for being flexible in the Covid19 era.  Special thanks to Kathy Adams for hosting the meeting, and the secretary’s efforts to publicize tonight’s meeting.
                Thanks to all Board members for their work, with a special thank you to Sandy Weigel for her years of service.  Kudos to Chris Sedlack for his work as treasurer, Tyler for his vigilance on the roads, Chris Adams for his work on the Mooring Committee and as VP, and Kathy Adams on Legal issues.
                Financially, the HOA is in great shape.
                Progress is being made on developing a new Mooring policy, difficult but essential.
                Work continues on resolving the Romeo debt, working with a new and experienced attorney.

Treasurer’s Report: On 12/31/18 we had $21,566.41.  2019 income amounted to $19,231.26 and 2019 expenses came to $15,021.23.  On 12/31/2020, we had $25,776.44.   We currently have $35,650 with nine shareholders who have not yet paid 2020 dues. This includes approximately $10,000 in two CDs.
Motion to accept report is made by PG, seconded by KA and approved by all.  Report attached.

Roads Report:  presented by Tyler Wainwright.   Tyler reports that this year’s quote from Borotek for general road maintenance, $3888, and additional improvements on Precipice Rd., $2808, and also including $972 for emergency culvert clean out this spring total $7768.  26 hours of volunteer work were reported, and Tyler recaps how to volunteer and get credit toward the annual dues.
Communications Committee: Terry Foor-Pessin reports on efforts to get everyone's working email address, as sending group emails with BHHA notices, reminders and changes in planned events is much more efficient than trying to make phone calls or to send out letters.  At this point, she has obtained about 2/3 of the lot owners' contact information. 

Legal Committee:  given by Kathy Adams.   Kathy notes that we have added a new attorney who has experience working with HOAs.  The first priority is the collection of the Romeo dues in arrears.  We have received an offer to settle by Romeo, but progress on this has been stalled by Covid 19.  The new attorney has been updated, will work to support Paul Curtin, the original attorney working on this, and with the participation of the Legal Committee.

Beach Committee: presented by Chris Adams, acting chairperson.  Chris asks for more volunteers, and Jim Drake, Tom McDonald and Bob Bradt volunteer.  He notes that they had a virtual meeting in May and have been working on getting clarification on who has a mooring and who needs one.   Chris states that they are looking for a new chairperson for this very important committee.

Architectural Committee:  presented by Jim Collings.  AS of today, no pending projects.  He reviews that committee members are Mike FP, Colleen Gannon, Pat Gannon and Chris Adams.   He notes that there was a new purchase of the Tomlinson property.  Molly Elliot, a Howard Hanna realtor, was the broker.  The new owners would like to put in a driveway and a camper.  Committee will look into this. 
Concerns are expressed that some owners have been cutting trees without getting any permission, and is there any recourse to this?  Committee will look into this and discuss requesting that the ability to exact fines be added to the Bylaws.


Elections for 2020-2021
Colleen moves that Pat Gannon take over to run elections.  There are no nominations for Board members, and all current Board members who are up for election agree to stay on the Board for another three years, from 2020 to 2023.  The secretary casts one unanimous ballot for six Board members: Pat Gannon, Tyler Wainwright, Rob Hole, Jim Colling, Chris Fesko and Jim Richardson.

As Sandra Weigel, who recently moved, had one year left in her term, a replacement is needed to finish out the term.  Brian Russell and Bob Bradt are nominated.  With a vote of 13-9, Brian Russell is elected for the one year position. 

Election of Officers
KA nominates MFP for President, secretary casts one unanimous ballot.
TFP nominates Chris Adams for Vice-President, secretary casts one unanimous ballot.
CG nominates TFP for Secretary, the president casts one unanimous ballot.
MFP nominates Chris Sedlack for Treasurer, the secretary casts one unanimous ballot.
CF makes motion to return control of meeting to MFP, PG seconds and it is approved.


Old Business:
Beach Committee reports that a new grill was purchased.  They need to review the question of a second dock and a new ladder for the dock, but will review the question of moorings and available space first. 

BHHA did join the Skaneateles Lake Association.  Will need to decide of we should rejoin this year.  The Beach Committee will review.

We had our 12th Beach Party in 2019.


New Business:
13th Annual Beach Party?  Due to current pandemic, it is agreed to wait another month before deciding if party will be held.  It is suggested we schedule it for August or September.  Decision will be revisited in early August.

Beach Committee will review rejoining the Skaneateles Lake Association.

Chris Adams welcomes suggestions for beach improvements and volunteers to help with projects.

Discussion about cutting down large numbers of trees on individual properties without first getting approval from the Architectural Committee.  MFP notes that it is important to protect the integrity of the Covenant.  Suggestions include fines per tree, or requiring that new trees be planted to replace the ones cut down.  Legal Committee will bring this up with Joe Walsh, attorney,to see what is possible.
MFP makes a motion to send a letter informing lot owner that they are in violation of the Covenant and include the relevant part of the Covenant.  Insist that they stop this activity immediately.  Seconded by KA.   After further discussion, MFP revises motion to send a letter to all land owners reminding them that they must get approval of the Architectural Committee to cut down trees or make other significant changes to their lot, and that the Board will be discussing legal consequences to acting without approval.  Seconded by KA and approved.  Jim Colling agreed to speak directly with two of the lot owners.

Tyler will let Bruce VanHoltz know that a hazardous tree on his property near the road about which Ryan Kiggins expressed concerns will be removed.

Kathy Adams makes motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Roger Stackpoole.  Meeting adjourned at 9:24 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary  

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