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Bacon Hill Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2022
Zoom meeting


Members present: Roger Stackpoole, Chris Adams, Kathy Adams, Chris Fesko, Chris Sedlack, Tyler Wainwright, Pat Gannon, Jim Richardson, Jim Colling, Rob Hole, Brian Davis, Mike Foor-Pessin;
Terry Foor-Pessin, secretary.


It is agreed to dispense with the reading of the minutes to save time.  The focus of tonight’s meeting is road maintenance and repairs, and reviewing the revised Offering Plan.


Tyler presents the 4/8/22 Borotek road maintenance quote for $32,454.00.  See attached.

CS states he spoke with Phil Haines, who told him that any item with an asterisk beside it is “less important” and could be postponed.  There are no asterisks on the copy of the quote we have.  KA leaves a message for Phil to get an asterisked copy and to invite him to the next meeting to discuss roadwork. 

Current funds in the checking account are $19,972 and there is $15,346 in the annuity account for emergencies.  We do receive about $20,000 in annual fees, which have not been collected yet for 2022.

Extensive discussion on recommended work and getting consensus on what sections of the roads should be prioritized.  TW notes that repairs to Winslip and the culvert on Wavelength are the most essential, as is maintenance on Precipice.  JR offers to do some work on Rocky Falls with his equipment, which would be less expensive to the Association. 

Discussion about perceived historical neglect of the North Road, the current condition of that road, and what the options are.  MFP suggests that the Board “consider increasing road work fees to the shareholders, and whether an engineer should be consulted before work is done to the North Road to maximize what is done and have it completed in a way that is acceptable to the Fesko family and Bacon Hill Association. We need to ensure a passable right of way with as little impact as possible on Fesko farming.”  KA states that in order to do a special levy for capital improvements, a 2/3 majority vote of the entire membership is required and the amount cannot be greater than the current dues of $450. 

Roger asks the Board to develop a holistic view of future improvements to the roadways, waterfront, possible paving or use of other road building materials for certain sections of the roads, etc., which could be presented to all members before a capital improvement vote. 

KA makes motion to approve $15,150.00 for initial Borotek work to be done (see attached quote, highlighted sections).  This would include $700 for additional crusher run for JR to use on Rocky Falls.  Pat Gannon seconds.  Motion is carried unanimously.

KA presents the revised offering plan and requests Board members take the time to review it and identify any questions for Joe Walsh, attorney, before the revisions are accepted.

A second Board meeting is scheduled for May 10 at 7:00 PM.  This will be a hybrid Zoom/in-person meeting to take place at the Adams home.  Focus of the meeting will be the revised bylaws and discussion about the North Road and its repair.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Foor-Pessin, Board Secretary

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