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Bacon Hill HOA Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 8, 2020
Zoom online meeting

Present, confirmed by visual or by voice recognition: Michael Foor-Pessin, Kathy Adams, Chris Adams, Jim Colling, Chris Sedlack, Steve Lang, Pat Gannon, Chris Fesko, Tyler Wainwright; Terry Foor-Pessin, secretary.

Absent: Jim Richardson, Sandra Weigel, Rob Hole.

Meeting starts at 7:09 P.M.

Mike presents suggested addition to the bylaws of an amendment (attached) to accept Virtual Meetings as legal meetings of the Board.  Chris Fesko makes a motion to accept the addition and Pat Gannon seconds.  Motion passes unanimously.

Chris Sedlack presents Treasurer’s report.  There is currently $15, 719.10 in the checking account and the two CDs total $10,322.13.  All lots are paid up for 2019 except the four Prochna lots.  Pat Gannon makes motion to accept the report, Kathy Adams seconds.  Motion passes unanimously.

The Borotek quote for 2020 routine maintenance of the Association roads is presented by Tyler Wainwright.  The quote is for $5,022.00.   PG makes motion to accept the quote, Jim Colling seconds, and motion passes unanimously. 

Tyler notes that the hole in the road on Precipice is due to the slight shifting of the three piece metal culvert.  He notes that it can be repaired with the money set aside in the emergency fund.  This will also cover improving the washboarding on Precipice Rd.  Borotek recommends increasing the discretionary budget from $500 to $800 or $1000.  Tyler makes motion to accept the change to $800, Kathy Adams seconds, motion passes unanimously.

The President requests that Chris Adams contact the mooring committee to continue working on a mooring policy.  As Sandra Weigel is selling her home and moving out of state, the committee should also conduct a search for a replacement for the Beach Committee chairperson.

Architecture Committee: Jim reports that Tom MacDonald and his wife are nearly completed with the work on their house.  Discussion about improvements to a house on Winslip, and some question if it is the Fischi house.  There were no applications to the Architecture Committee, but it does appear that the main outside work was on a retaining wall, as well as some inside work.  Prego has also been doing some work, and it appears people have been using the roads well before the recommended date of April 1, including some construction equipment.   MacDonald’s activity has also left some road issues. 

Tyler will have Borotek start their road maintenance, and will ask them to provide an estimate of how much gravel will be needed to replace the effects of MacDonald’s construction, and it can be taken out of the bond he placed with us.

Pat Gannon will move the sign advising no driving on the roads in the winter.  Chris will add a caution to the letters he will be sending out for dues collection. 

It is noted that the Spafford Highway Commissioner, Jody Fisher, would like lot owners to make a request if they want to park along Bacon Hill Road in the curve above Joan Reynolds’ house.

May 16 and September 19, 2020 will be designated as HOA Clean-up Days, assuming we can hold these while following Covid19 guidelines. 

Legal Committee: Kathy reports that the committee will be consulting with attorney Joe Walsh by Zoom regarding the offer sent by Romeo on money owned for past dues.  It is pointed out that there is no guarantee that once he pays, that he will continue to pay future annual dues.

The date for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting is set for Wednesday, June 10th at 7:00 PM, contingent on pandemic health status and Public Health guidelines regarding public meetings.  

Chris Fesko makes a motion adjourn at 8:23 PM, seconded by Tyler.  Next meeting TBD after meeting with Joe Walsh, and progress on the mooring policy.


Respectfully submitted,

Terry Foor-Pessin, secretary

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