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2022 Annual Shareholders' Meeting Minutes

Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting minutes
August 3, 2022

In attendance by Internet: Michael and Terry Foor-Pessin, Chris and Kathy Adams, Roger Stackpoole, Tyler Wainwright, Chris Fesko, Pat Gannon, Paul Alexander, Chris Sedlack, Jim Colling, Mike Bardoutsos, David Sedlack, Colleen Gannon, Brian Davis, Karen Yuhas, Dominick Auricchio, Tom MacDonald, Kathy Lang, Jim Richardson, Marc Overdyk, Rob Hole.

President Roger Stackpoole calls the meeting to order at 7:12 PM. It is determined that a quorum is present, with 20 lot owners/23 lots out of a total of 44 lot owners/52 lots represented.  17 are needed to have a quorum. 

As the minutes of the 2021 Annual meeting have been posted on the website and are also on tonight’s screen, it is agreed that the reading of the minutes can be waived.  PG makes motion to approve the minutes as presented. JC seconds and motion is passed, minutes approved.

The President makes comments, noting that the past year has been productive, with a diverse Board of highly engaged and incredibly diligent members.  He notes major achievements include successful road repairs, comprehensive legal work on the By Laws and the Covenant, and the creation of the Mooring policy. 

Treasurer’s Report:
Chris Sedlack reports that on 12/31/2020, there was $30,599.70 in the checking account and annuities.  On 12/31/2021, there was $35,696.07 which included $15,294.15 in annuities.  Total expenses for 2021 were $27,374.91.  As of 8/03/2022, there is $30,304.33 in checking and $15,399.95 in the annuity.      

Roads Report:
Tyler states that 2021 was “the worst year of roads for damage repairs, cost of diesel fuel” with five storms.  Last year, we spent $6912 on general road maintenance and $1350 on work from Precipice Ridge to the Four Corners, both on 6/10/2021; $486 on 7/5, $864 on 7/19, $1,080 on 7/23, $864 on Precipice Ridge on 8/20, $1998 cleaning out culverts on 9/15 and $702 on Winslip Circle on 11/5 for a total of $14,256 total road work.  There was 20 hours of volunteer work completed.

Tyler calculated a 5 year average, from 2016-2020 of $7919.64.  However, due to inflation, supply chain issues and generally higher expenses, this figure is not relevant to compare to today’s costs.  He notes we are currently having supply chain issues on the culvert pipe necessary to redo the culvert on Wavelength.  He has no idea when it will come in, maybe the project will not happen this year.


Beach Committee:
Tom MacDonald reports that there are six new moorings in the North Mooring Field.  Orange stickers have been added to the moorings and we have gone through the process to register with the State.  We need to get marker buoys with flashing lights, but they are currently hard to find. 

There is a new second boat dock, which is doing a good job of keeping boats away from the swimming area.  Tom requests that members do not put the dock in, in the spring, without contacting him first, as there may be repairs or missing parts.

The grass at the beach area is no longer being mowed regularly.  He asks that when using the portajon, the lid needs to be closed in order to vent properly.  Some discussion about posting a sign to inform members.

Tom also requests that boaters do not come in to the mooring fields at a shallow angle, but rather come in at a perpendicular angle and slowly.

Tom also requests that members police their dogs, and do not leave “poop” bags at the beach.  Please remember that this is a Carry In, Carry Out beach.

Architectural Committee Report:
Jim Colling reports that there were three projects in 2021.  On 7/25/21, the committee approved the Overdyk garage on Wavelength.  MO notes that Bullo was paid to make any repairs to Wavelength that occurred during the construction. 

On 9/13/21, electricity to the Davis/Kreso lot was approved but current status is not known, perhaps is on hold.

On 7/22/22, the committed gave approval for David Sedlack’s building project.  He will bring his lot which is contiguous to lot 31 into the Bacon Hill Association.  He will need 67% approval from the general membership to make the change.

Jim notes that lot owners need to obtain approval in order to cut down live trees on their lot.

Currently, the Architectural Committee consists of Jim Colling, Mike Foor-Pessin, Chris Adams, Pat Gannon and Colleen Gannon, with Kathy Adams providing paralegal/zoning information.

Legal Affairs Committee:
Kathy has devoted considerable time to the project to update the Bylaws and the Covenants.  The updated document will be sent out this fall along with a request to vote on the Dave Sedlack property being added to the Association.  Kathy recommends that lot owners vote Yes.  She will use colored highlights to indicate the changes to the documents. 

She clarifies that language has been tightened up on a variety of issues such as the definition of a family and the clear cutting of trees.

Mike Auricchio, calling for his father, Dominick, asks if there could be a pre-meeting before the deadline for the final vote, and this will be considered.

Old business:
Roger notes that the issue of repairs to the North Road have not been addressed completely, but it is agreed that this should be examined more thoroughly as Board of Directors’ business.

KA makes motion to close the meeting and then reopen it for elections.  TW seconds and motion carries.  Pat Gannon takes over to do the elections.  He notes that in 2020, due to the pandemic, it was decided to reelect the existing directors, listed as Gannon to Richardson.  This group of six faces their next election in 2023.  Therefore, there are no Board members up for election this year. 

Election of officers: The secretary casts on unanimous ballot for Roger Stackpoole for President, one unanimous ballot for Chris Adams for Vice-President, and one unanimous ballot for Chris Sedlack for Treasurer. The President casts one unanimous ballot for Terry Foor-Pessin for Secretary.  PG moves that the polls be closed and we return to new business. KA seconds and motion carries.

New Business:
The creation of a Beach Improvements committee was discussed at last year’s Annual meeting, but no action has been taken since then.  Roger asks that people notify him if interested, and several people, including Brian Davis, Rob Hole, Tom MacDonald, Jim Colling, Chris Sedlack and David Sedlack, as well as Roger, express interest.  Also, Justine Kreso had indicated interested in participating last year. They agree to have a meeting, either in-person or Zoom, in the near future, and a suggestion is made to call it the Lakefront Committee.

Brief discussion about ways to improve road and beach maintenance, to be discussed further in Board meetings.

At 8:38 PM, PG makes motion to adjourn, seconded by KA.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Foor-Pessin, Secretary

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