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Bacon Hill Homeowners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 15, 2019

Spafford Town Hall

In attendance:  Michael Foor-Pessin, Chris Adams, Chris Sedlack, Kathy Adams, Chris Fesko, Tyler Wainwright, Rob Hole, Jim Collings, Jim Richardson, Steve Lang, Pat Gannon, Terry Foor-Pessin


Meeting called to order at 7:02 PM

Secretary reads the minutes of the last Board meeting, from 7/222/18.  The primary focus of that meeting was planning for the building of the beach pavilion.   Motion to accept minutes as read is made by PG and seconded by RH, passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s report presented by CS. 2018 Financial statement is attached to these minutes.  There was a 2018 expense of $12,300 to erect the new pavilion at the beach common area.   Ending balance as of 12/31/18 was $21,566.41 (including two CDs).  Chris notes that all lot owners are paid up for 2018 except for Romeo, who currently owes a bit less than $30,000.

MFP reads the President’s report, noting that everyone on the Board has been doing a great job.  He notes the new pavilion, several architectural projects underway, and the fact that it was not a bad winter in terms of road damage.  He does suggest the Board consider hiring a temporary professional manager to address the rental properties issue, in the hopes of moving the process along.  To be discussed under new business.

The Roads committee report is presented by TAW.  Tyler has two quotes from Borotek, a limited maintenance proposal ($3888) and a full maintenance proposal ($6696) which includes more work and a larger amount of runner crush.   PG notes that it has been a wet spring and we should do the full maintenance.  Tabled to be approved under new business.

The Legal report is presented by Kathy Adams.  She notes there has not been a great deal of action over the winter.  The changes to the bylaws and Covenant have been written and approved by Longstreet, however he does not do administration, and the next steps require a lot of administrative work, e.g., making changes to every lot owner’s deed.  CS notes that he has spoken to an attorney, Joe Walsh of Walsh & Walsh, LLC, Saratoga Springs, with whom he goes hiking, and that Joe has good HOA experience and is willing to consider doing some work for us.   Kathy requests contact information.  Kathy also notes that David Sedlack has a new attorney and he has been in touch with Longstreet.  Details not available at this time.

Architecture Committee report presented by Jim Colling.  There are three projects in progress:
1) finishing up the pavilion; 2)Tom and Lauren MacDonald have started work on a 1200 sf house just past the Aurrichio’s lot.  They have provided a $2000 check to be held in escrow against damage to the road; 3)the Prochnas have submitted plans to put in a pole barn and have been approved by the committee.

Terry provides update on the Communication Committee: the website members’ section has been updated with the names of the newest lot owners.   She is requesting an updated map from Colleen Gannon.  Terry asks if the general membership needs to be informed of the time and place of Board of Directors’ meetings, and of the agenda for the meeting.  KA quotes the covenant, pages 33-34 that we are not required to do so.   The minutes of Board meetings are now posted on the website.

Beach Committee report is read by the secretary as SW is not able to attend.   It is attached to these minutes.   New projects include construction of additional canoe racks, management of the storage of small craft on the beachfront, completion of the mooring policy.   She asks if the picnic tables should be placed under the pavilion and this is agreed upon.

Old Business:

  1. Taking next steps with the mooring policy—a meeting should take place before the Annual meeting in order to make recommendations.  Committee members will decide on day and time.

  2. Discussion as to whether to raise a levy to pay for legal bills or to raise annual lot dues.  JR makes motion to raise dues $50 (to $450) for 2020.  RH seconds, and it is unanimously approved.

  3. It is reported that Alexander’s employee ran into and bent the gate at the concrete pad.  Pictures are obtained and it is agreed to send Alexander a bill.  MFP will get the dimensions and a current replacement cost.

New Business:

  1. Roads: PG makes a motion to approve the full maintenance package at a cost of $6696.  KA seconds, approved unanimously.

  2. Pavilion: JC will level the surface around the posts.  KA makes motion to purchase 2 picnic tables (treated legs, untreated tops; in need of assembly) for no more than $300 and JC seconded.  Approved unanimously.  SL volunteers to pick up the tables and assemble them.  The FP’s will look for any sales.

  3. Signage for pavilion: CF makes motion to get sign, with a limit of $200.  Seconded by TAW. Passes unanimously.  It should include notice that it is for the use of BHHA members only, no open fires, and carry in, carry out.   The FP’s will call the sign maker that was used in the past.

  4. Legal Committee: CS states that Joe Walsh prefers to work with a committee of three, and one is created with KA, CS and JR.

  5. Upcoming dates:  Board of Directors Meeting 6/12/19 at 7:00, Annual Shareholders meeting 7/10/19 at 7:00 and the annual beach party 7/21/19 from 1:00 until dusk.

  6. TAW is asked to have Borotek estimate the cost and need for curved stones by the lake front.


PG moves to adjourn at 8:51, seconded by KA.

Respectfully submitted,


Terry Foor-Pessin

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